Tuesday, June 24, 2008


It's been a while since I've updated. Things have been pretty uneventful lately. Abby started getting REALLY dizzy on Friday, and was still pretty dizzy on Saturday. I figured this was normal since her inner ear fluid had just been disturbed and her inner ear was 'drilled' into. However, I wanted to be sure and called the Dr on Saturday. He said it's normal and that she would eventually adjust to the change in her inner ear fluid distribution.

It was kind of (half) funny watching her though. She was walking around with her head cocked to the left side and almost walking in a circle she was so off balance. She is healing very nicely. She had a few days of LONG naps, but unfortunately that is over and we are back to her normal once a day, 2 - 3 hour nap : )

On another note, I spent Abby's nap time last week updating our master bath. I was going for a 'spa-like' look and I think I accomplished it. I painted the walls a very light, icy blue color; put up a bright white cabinet; nice big fluffy white towels; and a few other decor items. It turned out very nicely. Seth is hanging white wainscoating for me today so hopefully I can finish everything up tonight. I'll take some pictures and post them after it's all done.


VBnBama said...

Did you know there are tons of families like you w/blogs? I'm one of them, both of my kids are deaf and wear cochlear implants. You can visit lots of d/Deaf related blogs like yours at
www.deafvillage.com you can click on submit your blog and it's all free. You can read all the latest "headlines" from families like yours. Love the blog by the way.

Susan said...

Hey there - I want to see those spa bathroom pics :)