Monday, July 14, 2008


Sorry I didn't post on Thursday after Abby's second Audiology appointment with the implant. Time just seems to get away from me.

So we went back to St John's on Thursday so they could do some testing in the booth, and see if Abby's implant could be adjusted any to allow her to hear more. Unfortunately, Abby was not in the mood for Audiology testing (even though she's done this many times before) and was not cooperating with the testing.

So, for now, they left her settings where they are. We will go for about 2 weeks and watch at home for new things she hears. We go back to St John's in 2 weeks and hopefully Abby will be a little more cooperative : )

I'm still trying to get the videos on my computer. I haven't had much time to mess with it, but I do plan to post them once I get them transferred from the tape to my PC.

Not much else going on right now.....

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