Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Two Talkers & Scary Morning!

Most people with 2 children end up with one talkative, one quiet; one active, one more reserved. We however have two very active, Chatty Kathy's. This is a great quality for Abby to have as hearing impaired kids can become introverts easily. Maybe because her big brother has always talked her ear off, she wants to be just like him.

This morning we went to speech therapy as we do every Tuesday morning. Judy (her speech therapist) was trying to show me how to 'start over' with Abby's listening skills since she has to learn the basics of hearing again through the implant. Seth Robert went with us, and before we went into therapy I reminded him that this is Abby's time to learn and he needed to remember not to interrupt Abby or Judy when they were talking. By the time we got into Therapy, he had forgotten our conversation. He wanted to do everything first, say everything first....kind of reminded me of myself as a Big Sister!

A scary thing happened with Seth Robert this morning. I got out of bed around 6:15 and went to check on him, and he was not in his room. I started panicking because I knew he wasn't in my bedroom or the bathroom and he usually doesn't go anywhere but those two places when he wakes up. I walked by the front door and saw his little red head standing on the porch. I opened the door and he was just SOBBING. My first thought, was how long has he been out here. Then I realized Seth had left for work a few minutes after 6am. After I got Seth Robert calmed down, I asked him what was going on. He said he heard his daddy leaving for work and wanted to say good-bye so he ran outside.....HOW SCARY! I called Seth and he had no idea that Seth Robert was awake much less that he had followed him out there. I think we are going to start a new routine where I get my behind out of bed when Seth leaves so I can lock the sliding lock at the top of the door : )

1 comment:

Susan said...

Oh how scary! I think I would have freaked to find Sarah outside by herself! Glad all is ok.