Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Still Here!

Yes, we are still here! I cannot believe it has been over a month since I last posted.

It's been a very busy month (but aren't they all). The kids are still doing great in school. Abby is consistently saying 's' (Sarah) and is working so hard on her speech and vocabulary growth. I had a progress review session with her therapist earlier this week. I was a little disappointed to see that her verbal communication is at that of about 18 - 21 months (she is now 30 months old), but at the same time she is continuing to grow and learn everyday. She has about 100 words that she can speak now, which is really great. One really cool thing I've noticed is the kid can really carry a tune. She can sing the itsy-bitsy spider, and although she doesn't know all of the words, you can recognize it by the tune. That is really amazing to me. She has really adjusted to her schedule at school and LOVES all of her friends and teachers. Every day on the way to school she tells me everyone who will be there.

I also had a parent teacher conference with Seth's teacher this week. He is doing great academically in school. He recognizes all of his letters, knows the sounds for most of them, and is learning to write his letters. I would say he can write at least half of them. He is at the age where he is asking me to spell everything so he can write it down. One area he is having a little problem with is being able to sit still (surprise surprise). They try to really break things up so there isn't too much sit down time all at once, but we need to work on that. This is a kid who can't even sit still thru dinner and has to be constantly reminded to keep his behind on the chair, feet in front of him, etc. I remember my area to work on when I was that age was 'talking'. I used to talk too much in class, so I guess (hope) he'll grow out of it. We are talking about getting him into Karate. We didn't want to start the kids in extra-curricular activities at too young of an age, but he is now 4 1/2 so I think it's time.

I have some good news this month as well. Many of you know I've been in a really crazy situation at work. I don't want to go into details, but we had a management change earlier this year, and it has not been a good change. There are several people in our work group trying to get out of the situation, and I was lucky enough to find a new position. I start this Friday, and will be working on a new system. This system will eventually support all of the Billing for both Boeing Commercial and Boeing Defense. It's excited because I've not been involved in the commercial side of the company before. I'm really looking forward to the change and to learning something new. I will also have a desk at the office for teh first time in about 5 years! I'm excited about this because 5 years of working virtually is a LONG time without daily face to face interaction with people. I will be going in 3 days a week and working from home 2 days a week. Like I said, I'm excited, but I'm a little scared about schedules. I'm sure it will all work out, but it will be yet another change to our schedule.

Guess I should update about big Seth too. This is November, so it is his time to go hunting with his dad. He was gone last weekend and will be gone this weekend too. Sounds terribly cold, and boring to me, but he loves it and looks forward to it every year. He didn't get a deer last weekend, but ironically he got one on his way home from work Monday. He was driving behind a lady who hit a deer, so he stopped and he and another guy drug it off of the highway, it was still alive. Seth still had all of his hunting stuff in his truck from the weekend and was going to kill it (I won't tell you how...OK, he was going to cut it's throat) when a cop stopped. So, the cop shot the deer and gave Seth some kind of conservation donation paper and told him to take it home. DISGUSTING!!!!!! So he cut up the deer and let Seth Robert watch him. OH, I sure lived a sheltered life as a child. I cannot imagine watching someone cut up and animal. I'm just thankful the kids and I don't eat deer meat. I prefer my meat packaged and processed thank you very much!


Susan said...

YAY you posted! Sarah sounds just like Seth. She came home with a note from the teacher yesterday that she knows her numbers (what they were working on) but she wasn't listening and doing what the teacher wanted nor does she sit still.

I'm with you... I'll buy my meat from the meat counter at Schnucks thanks!

Glad to hear you're all doing well!

elizabeth said...

Great blog! I hope you'll consider adding it to the aggregator at Deaf Village (www.deafvillage.com) -- we'd love to have you as part of our community!